Friday, May 30, 2008

Mother's going GREEN Day 4 - Children's "Green" Craft Corner

Fridays will be devoted to an environmentally friendly craft, especially for our young children. They too can be inspired to live green and crafting is a way for them to connect with the environment around them.

Today is how to make "Grass Potato Heads" an old well known craft.

You will need:

  • Large Potato
  • Potting soil
  • Grass seed
  • Water
  • Markers for adding a face

How to make it (with an adults help if required):

Carve out the centre of the potato to create a well of about and inch deep.

Decorate the potato with a fun face using the markers

Fill the hole with some potting soil (or any other soil you may have available)

Sprinkle the grass seeds on top (in ours we were quite generous with the seeds)

Water and place in a sunny spot. Water daily and wait for the grass to grow. Ours pictured above took about a week to sprout. Once grass is long, you can have some fun giving your potato a hair cut.

I found that this craft taught my children of how plants grow and and what is needed in order for them to flourish: water and sunlight and special care which is what we have to give our planet earth.

Next weeks craft will be something for dad in preparation for Fathers Day.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, how fabulous that you are doing it. Can we send a link out with the E-messenger and put a link on

Great blooming where you are planted. Marianna

Craig Baird said...

I love this idea. It is a great craft idea :)