Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mother's going GREEN Day 106 - Halloween Treats

Okay, so we still have over a month to go until Halloween, but I have noticed the stores are starting to promote Halloween so I figured so can I.

In South Africa where I grew up we did not celebrate Halloween and it was not until I came to Canada in my late teen years that I had the opportunity to dress up and attend Halloween parties. The first time my son went 'trick or treating' was my first time too - what fun. Needless to say I enjoy Halloween. Love the costumes...the kids....and the candy especially the chocolate. (or should I say DID love the chocolate).

In a previous post I wrote about Fair Trade chocolate and how I was only going to buy and support fair trade chocolate, now let me tell you Halloween is not going to change this for me. And no, I will not be handing out Organic apples to the trick or treaters knocking at my door.

I am going Fair Trade Halloween Chocolates... and so should you. Visit Sweet Earth Chocolates to order yours today or perhaps your local store will carry smaller fair trade chocolates that you can purchase. Since I will order mine on line - I will order them soon to avoid disappointment.

In case you are wondering - I will be letting my children eat some of the candy that they gather from their trick or treating - it would be just plain cruel to take candy from a child. I will though attach somehow a message to the chocolate that I give out making note that it is fair trade and list the benefits of fair trade chocolate so that in Halloweens to come hopefully more and more parents will hand out the "good stuff".
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EcoFamily said...

Have you seen the site They have some really great ideas for what to hand out but also ideas for costumes, activities, and food...

I use this site for inspiration for birthdays and other holidays, too.

Anonymous said...

Hello.This is first time for me to visit your site.
Haloween was not popular in Japan when I was a child, but there are lots of haloween event now. It's fun!
I have three children (6year-old boy,4year-old boy,2year-old girl)

I'm happy if you link to my site.It is written in Japanese(some of the words are English) but show pictures.
baratch family

Lisa @ Serah's said...

Those chocolates look delicious! I think it's cruel to take candy away from a child too but this year if I get any trick-or-treats, I'm giving them mini pumpkin face soaps. I figured that everyone else will be giving them tons of candy so they won't miss out on the sweet goodness of Halloween.

Fashionable Earth said...

Wonderful!! We also wrote on how to participate in a fair trade halloween: