Living Green; Being Green; Loving Green... Doing my part to nurture Mother Earth.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 35 - Body Wash and so much more
My search turned up many options some turned out to be quite expensive and then others I questioned how green friendly they were.
Finally I came to a decision. Dr.Bronner's Magic Soap. The bottle lists 18 different uses, but according to their website it has many more. Some uses include: dish washing, car washing, pet washing, laundry washing, deodorant, shampoo and the list goes on.
I purchased the lavender scent for my children and it can be used as a body wash, bubble bath, shampoo you name it. You only need 2 drops of it so I am sure it is going to last much longer than the regular stuff. Lavender I choose for my children to calm and soothe them before bedtime.
For my husband and myself I purchased the peppermint scent - this one because of it peppermint scent you can even use it as toothpaste. We will use this as a face wash too. I chose the peppermint as a fresh lively scent that will get us up and awake it the morning.
I know that I am going to enjoy these soaps. Oh and did I mention that it is Fair Trade too.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 34 - Miscellaneously Green
No energy wasted on indoor cooling systems: I have never been a fan of air conditioning. Not even in my car (it has always felt very artificial) In my car I prefer to have all the windows down and just let the breeze blow though. The same was true today. My husband wanted to plug in the electric fans to cool our house and I said no lets just open the back and front doors of the decks and let the very slight breeze blow through. It did the trick and kept the house cool.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 33 - Cloth Napkins
Friday, June 27, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 32 - Childrens Eco-Craft
You will need:
- Nice smooth rock
- Paint
- Google Eyes (if you have any – not required)
- Paint rock in pet of choice (we did a Lady Bug – but you could do a bee or a regular bug whatever your creative heart desires).
- Stick on Google eyes
- We placed our 'Lady Bug' in our garden for a little bit of colour.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 31 - Computers and Such
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 30 - Let's talk Trash
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 29 - Greening the Laundry
- Use high efficiency washer and dryer (uses less energy).
- Use the COLD wash and rinse cycle (uses less energy to warm the water - and your cloths get just as clean).
- Ensure you wash a full load (no point just washing half a load) In our house I have 2 piles of laundry (whites and pastels colours & black and bright colours) ensuring full loads and I have never had my whites turn pink or any other funky colour.
- Ideally you should dry your clothes outside (no energy usage except sunlight which too is an excellent natural bleach) Having grown up in South Africa this was the only way we dried our clothes. Very few people had dryers and I only saw them in Laundromats.
- I am still using a dryer though - it has been wet and miserable here. But I use the least amount of time necessary to get the clothes dry and I use the low heat setting - if by chance they come out a little damp, which they sometimes do, I just hang them and let them air dry. I am not too sure either how my husband will take it "airing our dirty laundry" in the garden so to speak - baby steps - remember he still struggles on days with the NO plastic bag idea.
- Ensure too, that your lint catcher thing is always cleaned (clean it after each load) this keeps the machine running efficiently thereby using less energy.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 28 - More on Plastics
Symbol with a #6: Polystyrene (PS) is used in Styrofoam containers, egg cartons, disposable cups and bowls, take-out food containers, plastic cutlery, compact disc cases. It leaches styrene, which is an endocrine disruptor mimicking the female hormone estrogen, and thus has the potential to cause reproductive and developmental problems.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 27 - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly on Plastics
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 26 - The Health Food Store
While they did have there protein shakes, loose weight powders and muscle building pills they also had a vast selection of organic stuff.
- Candies
- Vitamins
- Body wash
- Shampoo/Conditioner
- Baby stuff
- Soaps galore
- Cereals
- Snack bars
- Dried Organic Fruit
I was needless to say impressed. This mother going green life just got a little easier. Here was a place I could buy the organic stuff I needed. Not that I did not enjoy surfing the Internet to find things but it is equally as fun to go to a store and browse through the products. What made my visit to the store more pleasant is that they had a corner set aside in the store for kids. I mean a play mat with toys and a chair in case you needed to stop and relax and feed your hungry baby - which is exactly what I had to do. This particular store made it easy for me what with 3 kids and all to browse their wares and at no time did I feel rushed or pressured into buying anything. In fact I was so overwhelmed that I did not buy anything except some organic candy for my kids. I need time to process all they have to offer and I will be back.
Now for the novices out there - this is pretty standard stuff - but I am sure too that there are folks out there that have some misconceptions about the 'health food store' but I say dismiss them and check it out. Hopefully like me you will be pleasantly surprised by their organic selection of goods.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 25 - Children's Eco-Craft
- You will need:
Large pine cone (open – which means it has opened up and released it seeds – see picture to right) - Peanut Butter
- Bird Seed
- Wire or String
Instructions (with an adults help if required):
- Spread Peanut butter over the pine cone and in between the crevices
- Cover with birdseed (we just stuck the whole cone in a dish of birdseed and it sticks to the peanut butter)
- Tie the wire or string onto the base of the pine cone
- Hang is a suitable spot (we hung ours off our back deck)
- Watch as the birds visit and enjoy a tasty treat.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 24 - The Green Clean
Ammonia - Fatal when swallowed
Ammonium Hydroxide -Corrosive, irritant
Bleach - Potentially fatal if ingested
Chlorine - Number one cause of poisonings in children
Formaldehyde -Highly toxic; known carcinogen
Hydrochloric acid -Corrosive, eye and skin irritant
Hydrochloric bleach -Eye, skin and respiratory tract irritant
Sodium hypochlorit - Potentially fatal
Sodium laurel sulfate - Carcinogen, toxin, genetic mutagen
Sodium tripolyphosphate -Irritant
Trichloroethane -Damages liver and kidneys
- In the past 40 years, at least 70,000 new chemicals have been released into the environment through new consumer and industrial products and food.
Male and female infertility are on the rise. Research is now pointing to pesticides as a viable cause. - Women who work in the home have a 54% higher death rate than women who work out of the home. - Toronto Indoor Air Conference, 1990
- According to the U.S Poison Control Centers, "A child is accidentally poisoned every 30 seconds and more than 50% of all poisonings occur at home with children under 5 years of age."
- There has been a 25% increase in the last 25 years in cancer incidence among children under 15 years of age.
- Thirty years ago the 3 major childhood illnesses were chickenpox, measles and mumps. Now it is asthma, ADD and cancer.
For more info on the above visit
Today, I decided to go "green" with my clean and now have only a few cleaning products: Vinegar, Baking Soda, Lemon Juice, Borax (for tougher cleaning) Water Newspaper and a little Rubbing Alcohol way safer now for my children to help clean and for the first time in a long time I was excited about cleaning and these non chemical alternatives really and truly work. No need to worry about the headaches, accidentally mixing chemicals or the potential dangerous residue left in the bath tub that could harm my children. Now see the "NEW" cleaning products I use pictured above. What a difference.
In my search for information on cleaning products I came upon this web page: it too list the dangers of our current cleaning products, however it goes on to suggest some alternative products as well as some recipes to make your own from the ingredients I listed above.
Here's to the "GREEN CLEAN" my challenge now is what do I do with all the dangerous cleaners, throw them out? NO; Keep them? NO my kids may get a hold of them. I am tempted to send them back to the company so they can be made aware that I am not interested in their poison anymore.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 23 - Books and Litter
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 22 - Organic Food
Monday, June 16, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 21 - Shopping the eco-friendly way
- Shop less (do we really need everything that we buy - lets think how quick the excitement of the product you buy will wear off - especially when it comes to children's toys)
- Shop locally - support your local businesses in your community, often the business in our community in turn support the community we live in. Also, it will help foster relationships which is also a good thing.
- Locally made - Shop for locally made products. Support your country's economy.
- Shop online (my personal favourite) - when you shop on eBay or Craig's list you can choose to buy second hand items (recycling) "one mans junk is another's treasure" and many of the warehouses use much less energy than your conventional store.
- Packaging - try to purchase items with minimal packaging. Today, I was so excited to buy my infant a baby rattle (made no less with the environment in mind) it is made with wood and natural fibres packaged with recycled paper and none of those plastic ties which you land up having to pry from the toys with some sort of sharp object. This toy had natural string holding it on the board - a simple knot to untie and toy was ready for enjoyment. (pictured on right)
- Bring your own bag - always bring your own bag or try to anyway.
References for this post was from a book I have on hand "Green for Life (200 simple Eco-Ideas for Every day)" by Gillian Deacon
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 20 - Those darn plastic bags
- Well over a billion single-use plastic bags are given out for free each day.
- Each year billions of bags end up as ugly litter.
- Plastic bags don’t biodegrade, they photodegrade—breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits contaminating soil and waterways and entering the food web when animals accidentally ingest.
- Production requires vast amounts of oil.
- Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. That comes out to over one million per minute. Billions end up as litter each year.
- Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales and other marine mammals die every year from eating discarded plastic bags mistaken for food.
The above facts and more plus possible solutions can be found on the following website:
Treehugger provides some pictures of 'plastic' fabric clothing and some links to places on how you too can make your own fabric or perhaps your next crochet project - just visit the following link:
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 19 - Garden Pests: in particular a Squirrel
- Pesticides not only kill the pests but all of the good bugs too like Lady Bugs, Honey Bees and Wasps.
- Collect in the tissues of animals and humans, causing disease and possible death.
- Each year 43 000 children under the age of 6 are exposed to pesticide in concentrations high enough to cause damage to their developing bodies.
- Many of the common pesticides have been linked to an increased occurrence of allergies, asthma and cancer.
Since we are growing an Organic Garden using pesticides was never an option but the information on them very informative.... But I still had a squirrel to deal with.
One website suggested that we feed the squirrel - squirrel food. Set up it's own little eating area away from our garden and then he would not bother our seeds. While this would be ideal, quite honestly I do not want the squirrel to become reliant on me for providing its food.
Finally, I found a website that suggested hot pepper flakes. Currently, we have none on hand but I thought regular coarsely milled peppercorns might do the trick too.
My search on pest deterrents also lead me to a website where you can make your own Pest Control Spray right in your kitchen. Should we ever get those unwanted bugs we will be sure to try the recipes. Most of them involve a combination of Water, Oil, Biodegradable Dishwashing Soap, Garlic Powder, Chili Powder - all non toxic and chemical free.
For some information on the dangers of pesticides visit:
And for the recipes for the "Pest Control Spays - you can make in your kitchen!" visit:
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 18 - Childrens Eco-Craft
- Empty Milk Jug (saved from the recycling bin)
- Sharp instrument to make holes (I used one of the handy dandy tools on my Swiss Army Knife)
- Paint
- Paint Brushes
- Sheet of paper or Newspaper
Instructions (with adult help if required – you probably will need it for using the sharp instrument):
- Lay down the newspaper or craft paper on your work area.
- Set the empty clean milk jug down and make some holes on the top side of the milk jug opposite the handle (see picture).
- Make anther hole on top of the handle which will allow for air to go into the bottle as water comes out.
- Paint the jug (be as creative as you can be – anything goes) – allow the jug to dry.
Once dried fill with water screw the lid back on and you have a one of a kind watering can. (I found having the lid on was great for my younger kids as with a normal watering can they tend to pour all the water out from the top – with the lid this stops all of that and the water comes out in a nice ‘sprinkle’
Enjoy watering your flowers and plants.
One-of-a-Kind Gift Wrap
Take the paper that you painted your jug on and use it to clean your brushes by brushing off the excess paint – allow to dry – you have instant gift wrap.
In fact you can use this idea with any painting craft you do. Instead of throwing away or recycling your “drop” paper just turn it into gift wrap. The excess paint will add some colour to newspaper and a truly unique piece of gift wrap.
A little 'reusing' history on our "drop paper":
We received it in a package, the items were protectively wrapped in it. Then it became our 'drop paper' for our craft project, acted as our 'paint brush cleaner' and finally our gift wrap. Talk about reusing!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Mother's Going GREEN - Day 17 - Involving the Children
- cutting newspaper for the worms (our worm compost) each time we feed them we give them a little fresh newspaper.
- feeding the worms.
- taking care of the vegetable garden.
- ensuring lights are turned off in the rooms and are not turned on during the day. (my son noticed one deary grey evening, that I turned on the light for dinner and he questioned it as it was not quite dark enough for lights. Way to go son!)
- helping out with the recycling (sorting out the glass from the plastic and the corrugated cardboard from the paper)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 16 - The 3 Minute Shower
An interesting sites to visit regarding Canadian water consumption:
The average water consumed in a household in Canada is 125 000 litres per person per day to see how your household compares to this average visit:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 15 - Picnics the Green Way
- Make your food fresh and organic and local if possible.
- Use minimal packaging to transport your food. Perhaps glass containers for homemade salads, fresh veggies and dip, a nice sandwich and some yummy homemade cookies for dessert.
- Ditch the paper plates, plastic cups, cutlery and paper napkins and dine outdoors in style with stainless steel cutlery, glass glasses, cloth napkins and china plates (the plates you use on a regular basis). This way you will not creating additional waste which eventually lands up in the landfill.
Our family has a "picnic basket" - a gift I received from my husband for my very first mother's day and in it we keep all of our utensils, china plates and glassware along with our traditional red gingham cloth tablecloth and matching cloth napkins. It is perfect.
Going picnicking as a group or joining a group on a picnic can also be environmentally friendly if everyone just brings there own plate, cutlery, glassware and cloth napkin.
Going on a picnic is all about enjoying the outdoors, experiencing mother nature so in turn it would be nice if we left none of ourselves behind. Happy summer and happy picnicking.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 14 - Our Rooftop Organic Vegetable Garden
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 13 - Lawn Care the Organic Way
- Using a push mower for starters, no carbon emissions, no use of a natural resource - gas. Just plain old man power.
- The grass clippings are then just left on the lawn, acting a a natural mulch - no need to rake them up and throw them away, besides your manpower is all spent mowing the lawn.
- The mulch will also help retain water which your grass needs, but not too much. It only requires 1 inch of water a week that includes rainwater.
- Don't cut your grass too short, this causes it too look yellow and will also dry out quicker requiring more water.
- If you need to water your grass it is best to water it in the early morning or early evening, that way it will not evaporate too quickly.
- It is best not to use a sprinkler to water your grass but to stand there and water it with the hose and a nozzle. Remember it does not need a lot of water.
- If a fertilizer is required it is best to use an organic one or better yet the compost fertilizer that your worms are busy creating or the fertilizer from a traditional compost.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 12 - Not so sweet facts on Chocolate
Not so sweet facts:
- Is farmed in unsafe conditions were large amounts of pesticides are used in order to yield a greater crop. These pesticides cause great environment damage seeping into local ground water, soil erosion and not to mentioned being in hailed by the farmers.
- Farmers are often children under 14, approximately 284 000 children are working on cocoa farms. These children are often beaten with whips and switches.
- Farmers are living in total poverty earning between $30.00 and $100.00 US dollars a year. That's way less than I spend in chocolate in a year.
For more information on the above see the following websites:;; family picked up a bar of Fair Trade chocolate the other day and after explaining to my children why this bar of chocolate was so much different to all others we sat and savoured its goodness and yes it did taste good we devoured the whole bar, even my son who is not that crazy about chocolate had his fair share of the bar. At over $4.00 for the bar, I think it may need to become a weekly treat, rather than a daily treat. We found a store selling our delicious chocolate through
Picture on this blog is from
Friday, June 6, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 11 - Children's Eco Craft
You will need:
A jar (recycled – an old jam jar works well)
Foil wrap (preferably recycled – perhaps from chocolate or candy bars – I collected ours from chocolate bars – that is before we stopped eating them – but more on that in tomorrows blog)
Chocolate (preferably fair trade chocolate we used Coco Camino
Piece of old material
Wax paper
Instructions: (with an adults help if required)
Melt the chocolate in a glass bowl in the microwave (microwaves take up less power than the stove)
Allow the chocolate to set ( you can put it in the fridge to speed up the process)
Cut a circle in the fabric large enough to cover and overlap the jar lid and tie it on the lid with a piece of ribbon or string.
Voila, you have Individually wrapped chocolate drops you’re your favourite dad for Fathers day and remember to reuse or recycle the wax paper.
I hope your dad enjoys these tasty treats. For added individuality you can place a nut on each drop of chocolate before it sets.
Next weeks craft will be a 'watering can' for your garden.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 10 - Spreading the "Eco" Word
Gandhi once said: "Be the change you want to see in the world." hence my decision for my family to start living a greener life. I urge you to spread the green word, if my blog does not appeal to you there are others that also offer great green tips in a different format - one of my favourites is or visit to view a green blogs worldwide.
The point is: Share this blog with your family, friends, neighbours, strangers or just about anybody perhaps it will inspire them, if not you to be more environmentally proactive.
When I first announced to my family that we were "going green", my husband was a little reluctant - but he recently suggested that to his work place that they should encourage a group order on an organic food delivery thus cutting back on the amount of delivery stops the organic company would need to make, reducing carbon emissions and promoting organic eating among the staff members. My 5 year old son also today made an announcement to his preschool class that his family was going green and trying not to make so much garbage and save the earth. Baby steps, but steps in the right direction.
Please feel free at anytime to post your comments and your green ideas.
Thank you.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 9 - Green Birthday Gifts
- Organic (such as cotton or hemp)
- Fair Trade
- Local
- Educational
- Minimal packaging, preferably none.
- Perhaps even a donation to the persons favorite charity (for children this could be receiving an adoption kit for endangered species through the World Wildlife Fund.)
Some sites to look at for further green gift ideas:
Be sure wrap your gifts in either recycled paper ( perhaps a gift bag you have received can be re-given). Someone once mentioned the Sunday Comics ( if you receive a paper) now wouldn't that be fun.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 8 - Home Eco - Checklist
- Appliances not used on a regular basis need to be unplugged. We found several - Cell Phone Charger; Night Lights - although these are handy are they really worth the extra energy - we decided no - so unplugged them; Coffee Maker & Toaster. We found a couple more but we need to think of how to make the plugs more accessible in order to plug and unplug them with relative ease (that is without having to move furniture). We have placed these on our "To Do" list.
- Energy efficient light bulbs. We checked all of our light bulbs to ensure that they are the florescent energy safe ones. We noticed that there are some lights with still the older light bulbs - so they have to be changed.
- Fish Tank. We decided that rather leaving the fish tank light on all day that we would only put it on for a few hours in the evening. We also unplugged the "bubbles" as we found the filter provides enough oxygen into the water. We also decided the next time we clean the fish tank rather than through out the water we would use it to water some of our garden plants. Getting double the use out of the water.
- Doors and Windows. We ensured that all our doors and windows close properly and that there is no gaps allowing either cool or warm air to escape (pending the season). We found one that could use a little fixing.
- Appliances. We checked to see if our fridge and stove doors where correctly sealed when closed - since they are new we had no problems here. We do not want to be wasting energy when we use the oven having the hot air escape and same with the fridge - we do not want it to work harder to stay cool when warm air is getting in.
- Finally we checked the "Junk Closet". Things that we throw in there probably because they are broken and we haven't gotten around to getting rid of them or we no longer have a need for them. We found an extension cord that the dog had chewed and I decided that with some electrical tape it would be as good as new. Some items we set aside to donate to charity and some will go to a consignment store - nothing will go into landfill - at least from our home. It is important to fix or donate items rather than just throw them away.
I think the small actions of today could save some energy and every little bit helps. We have decided that every 6 months we will do our "Home Eco Checklist" to ensure everything is as it should be.
It would be great if everyone took a little time and walked through their home and just did some little checks to ensure their energy efficiency.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Mother's going GREEN Day 7 - My take on Cloth Diapers
- Cloth have no dangerous chemicals in them (both good for my baby and the environment). Disposables have bleaching agents, and chemicals that are linked to toxic shock syndrome. Those chemicals are not good for the environment or my baby. It also these chemicals that lead to diaper rash (skin irritation) Cloth diapers are less likely to cause a rash.
- Cloth diapers will last as long as your baby is in diapers and for future babies you may have, saving the environment and your bank account. Disposables well they are expensive and take forever to decompose. Since I plan not to have any more children, I am already thinking that these cloth diapers will make the best cleaning rags ever.
- Washing cloth diapers is said to use up as much energy as flushing the toilet 5 times in a day. If this little baby was going to the toilet then we would be flushing it 5 times a day.
- Furthermore They say that cloth diapers has a 53% ecological footprint of that of disposables. and since my goal is to reduce our family's footprint I am sticking with cloth.